Trent Bridge / Articles

The world’s third oldest test match venue.

Trent Bridge

The Committee's Report 1901

Your Committee, in presenting the Annual balance Sheet and Report for 1901, have pleasure in stating that the total income for the year was £3,520 14s 5d, and the total expenditure £3,516 9s 4d. The income would have been increased by at least £100 but for the bad weather preventing any play in the Match v Kent at Trent Bridge.

The following Matches have been arranged for the coming Season:- A Colts Match at Trent Bridge on April 21 and 22; a Match with Colts v Yorkshire Colts on the same ground; a Match, Amateurs v Professionals, at Trent Bridge on August 18 and 19; Match v MCC at Lords, and one v Australians at Trent Bridge on May 8,9,10, also the following Home and Home Matches - Yorkshire, Lancashire, Kent, Middlesex, Essex, Surrey, Gloucestershire, Sussex, Derbyshire and Leicestershire.

The Committee, on behalf of themselves and the Club, express their thanks to Mr A. O. Jones for his services to the Club as Captain during the past season, and also appreciate the efforts of the Team generally in their endeavors to place the County in a better position in the Championship Competition. They desire especially to draw attention to the marked improvement shown by Iremonger, who proved himself a valuable acquisition to the team. Out of the twenty matches played five were won, six lost, eight drawn and one abandoned.

The Club and Ground Matches which were commenced to be played in the Season of 1900, were increased in the number during the past year, these fixtures proving not only of great advantage in the training of the staff, but also tending to promote increased interest in the game in the various localities visited. Twenty-seven of these matches were played, of which 17 were won, one lost and nine drawn.

The Committee feel greatly encouraged by the marked improvement and development shown by some of the members of the Ground Staff, the result of their own endeavors, and the careful tuition they receive.

An efficient staff as been engaged for the coming season.

By the altercation of which the Committee suggest in the rule applying to the Junior Members, granting them the privilege of practicing at the Club and Ground nets, it is hoped a large accession of membership of young crickets will be the result, and the opportunity afforded of seeing them practice may prove the means of discovering useful recruits to the County Team.

Fox Road and Hound Road having now been paved by the West Bridgford District Council, rendered the Club liable for their share of the cost of the work, which amounted to £265 15s 11d. The Committee feel this large amount is too much for them to be able to meet out of their annual income and recommend that the money invested in the Dublin, Wicklow and Wexford railway in 1897 be realized to meet this payment, it being a reserve fund established for a contingent such as the present one.

Your Committee, feeling that the distribution of profits from the Test Matches, England v Australia, were not distributed in a manner sufficiently equitable to the First-class Counties in general and also being of opinion that the Second-class Counties should participate in some share of the division, submitted to the Board of Control through the Secretary of MCC, propositions dealing with the matter. Although these propositions were not carried entirely as suggested the Committee are pleased to report they have been the means of securing a far fairer division of the profits than on the visit of the Australians in 1899.

It has been thought by the Committee that uniformity of time in playing matches connected with the County Championship was a necessity, forwarded a resolution on the subject to the Secretary of MCC who presented the same at the meeting of County Secretaries, held at Lord's in December last, when it was carried unanimously.

The Committee look forward hopefully to the coming season, and whilst thanking the Members for the kind assistance given them in the past, ask a continuance of the same kindness and support for the future. They also wish to thank the Press for the generous treatment bestowed by them on the Club, and for their co-operation and assistance in promoting its interests.

William Hugh Tomasson, Hon. Sec.
Henry Turner, Secretary
