Trent Bridge / Articles

The world’s third oldest test match venue.

Trent Bridge

The Committe's Report 1917

The Committee beg to present the Annual Balance Sheet and Report for 1917.

No County Cricket was played last year.

Your Committee expresses its most grateful thanks to the large number of Members who so generously continued their subscriptions or gave donations. Thanks to this the expenses of the year have been met. The President of the Club, Sir Jesse Boot, has again most generously contributed 50 guineas.

There is a balance on the year's working, but on the other hand no repairs have been done to the Stands and there is no doubt this will be a serious expense at the end of the war. The Committee are anxious to keep the ground in good order. They greatly help the Club is tide over a most anxious period.

it will be seen that the sum is £398 14 0, the amount of the award against the Club in regard to License Duties, remains unpaid.

The Committee regret to report the death in action of W. Riley, a bowler who did such good service for Notts in the years preceding the war.

The Hospital at the Pavilion now has 100 beds. 1,074 Patients were admitted during 1917, making the number of patients treated since the opening of the Hospital, 2,309. THe West Bridgford Masonic Electrical and Mechanical Wards, established through the generosity of the Fremasons of Nottinghamshire, to which has been added the 'Monty Hind' Ward, erected and equipped by Mr. J. W. HInd, makes this probably the most efficient and best quipped Electrical Hospital in the country. A great amount of work has been done in alleviating the disability in the more serious cases, and in the diminishing the suffering caused by the wounds, and in very many cases saving men disabled in action from becoming permanently crippled. Special provision is also made for the treatment of discharged offices and men. It is impossible to speak too highly of the good the Hospital and Electrical Wards have don, or of the able and capable management of Lady Bruce, Commandant of the Hospital;Mr. J. W. Hind; the Chairman; and of the Hospital Staff, and those responsible for the management.

W. H. TOMASSON, Hon. Secretary
H. TURNER, SEcretary.
